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Tag: Home Renovations

East 10th construction home Renovation 34
ConstructionHome ImprovementsVancouver Renovations
Masters of Transformation: Reshaping Homes and Industry Standards Alike

We’ve heard the same story so many times:

Your home renovation project was supposed to take 2 weeks, but it’s been 2 months and there’s no end in sight.

The contractor originally gave you a confident quote, but your costs have doubled and tripled already (along with the number of gray hairs on your head).

Too many of us are familiar with this nightmare.

We all know someone who’s experienced at least one of these problems that too often arise during the process of home renovations:

● Ballooning costs during the project,
● Lack of transparency and communication,
● Trades who don’t respect your space or your time,
● Constant delays from multiple trades and subcontractors,
● Unscrupulous contractors looking for ways to charge you more,
● Inconsistent values around the quality of workmanship and professionalism.

What all of this amounts to is a project that takes too long, costs too much, and leaves you with a result that you aren’t 100% thrilled with.

And as far as we’re concerned, that’s unacceptable.


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