1 Contact 2 Job Details 3 Submit CONTACT INFO name LastName phone email street textbox1190 PREFERRED CONTACT METHOD How Should We Contact You? Phone eMail Text radiobutton8446 When Should We Contact You? Morning Afternoon Evening radiobutton8241 Prev Next SELECT PROJECT TYPE Full Home/Condo Renovation Kitchen Renovation Bathroom Renovation Basement remodeling Commercial Tenant Improvement project What issues, if any, are you hoping to solve by performing this renovation? textbox2113 Are there specific features or items you would like upgraded in the renovation? (ie. Windows, the furnace, etc.) textbox6090 This renovation will: Add area to the home outside the existing footprint Take place within the existing footprint Both renoarea How much square footage will be added to the home? Please describe where the new area will be added. textbox6136 What new spaces do you hope to create within the newly added area? textbox5291 Please indicate what rooms or spaces within the existing home will be renovated, remodeled or otherwise altered. textbox4693 Is there a particular level of energy efficiency performance, such as EnergyStar or NetZero, you would like to achieve through this renovation? Yes No Would like to know more Energy What level, or energy label would you like the home to achieve? Energy Star BC Step Code Level 3 BC Step Code Level 4 BC Step Code Level 5 Other energy Are you working with a Designer, Architect, Engineer or other professional to design the project? Yes No radiobutton5401 Are workable or permittable drawings or blueprints prepared and available? Yes No radiobutton4064 Do you already own the home that is to be renovated? Yes No radiobutton2280 Do you already own/lease the space that is to be renovated? Yes No radiobutton9303 What is the target budget or investment amount you have in mind for this project? $50K or less $51K - $149K $150K-$249K Over $250K select5147 How do you plan to finance the project? Cash Financing Needed Financing Started Financing Approved select3108 When would you potentially like construction to start? datepicker27358 Prev Next Have you worked with a contractor before? Yes No contractor What are the top 3 things that you are looking for in a contractor? textarea2992 How did you hear about us? Friend / Family Online Search Social Media Houzz Advertisment Other refural Please tell us how or by who? textarea1786 Upload a file or image Select image Change Remove fileupload9003 recaptcha Prev Next ‹ › × × ×